Hello.I'm Frankbrox.Illustrator. Animator. Designer.
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View what's going on in my life, concept art, volunteer work, favorite tech, art equipment fav's and "How to" video blogs on drawing.

Drawing Anime Girls Ep 3
May 24, 2020Drawing Anime Girls- Episode 3 Every Tuesday I’ll draw and vectorize my illustrations. I’m focusing on anime girls now but will change interest later on. If you like any of my work feel free to give a thumbs-up, ask a question in the comments or DM me on Instagram at frankbroxart.

Drawing Anime Girls Ep 2
May 24, 2020Drawing Anime Girls- Episode 2 Every Tuesday and Friday I will draw and vectorize my illustrations. I’m focusing on anime girls now but will change interest later on. If you like any of my work feel free to give a thumbs-up, ask a question in the comments or DM me on Instagram at frankbroxart.

Drawing Anime Girls Ep 1
April 29, 2020Drawing Anime Girls- Episode 1 Every Tuesday and Friday I will draw and vectorize my illustrations. If you like any of my work feel free to give a thumbs-up, ask a question in the comments or DM me on Instagram at frankbroxart.